Glass Half Full

Discovering True Fulfillment through Energy, Gratitude, and Meditation with Lucie Ptasznik

Episode 58

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Ever wondered how embodying energy and vibrational frequency could transform your life? Join us for a captivating episode of "Glass Half Full," where we host the incredible Lucie Ptasznik. From her humble beginnings in suburban Detroit to building a thriving seven-figure business in the horse industry, Lucie's story is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance. You'll be inspired by her journey of becoming a sought-after horse trainer at just 16 years old, despite having no formal education in the field.

Lucie not only shares her personal journey but also delves into the fascinating world of energy and vibrational frequency. Discover how your emotional state affects your decision-making and learn practical strategies to raise your vibrational frequency, such as engaging with nature and changing your physiology through movement. We also discuss the critical role of maintaining a peak emotional state to align with your goals and attract financial abundance. This episode is packed with actionable insights to help you harness the energy you need to achieve your dreams.

To top it all off, we explore the transformative power of gratitude, meditation, and having a clear vision for your life. Learn how a daily gratitude practice can rewire your subconscious to focus on opportunities, and how meditation can help you become the observer of your thoughts. We'll also touch on the importance of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) in keeping your mind focused on your goals. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the tools to break free from reactive behaviors, respond with kindness and compassion, and ultimately achieve true happiness and fulfillment. Don't miss this enriching discussion with Lucie Ptasznik—your journey to becoming the best version of yourself begins here.


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Good morning, good afternoon and good evening wherever you are in the world, and welcome to another episode of Glass Half Full, a podcast and a safe platform where we talk with a variety of teachers, entrepreneurs, spiritualists, uplifters, givers, shakers and serenaders. Everyone has a lesson to learn and a lesson to share. Let's use our life experiences to enrich someone's heart, mind, spirit and soul. Through sharing our experiences, we can be a learning inspiration for one another. I'm your host, chris Levins. Let's welcome today's guest. Today's guest is Lucy Ptazsnik. Lucy is a speaker, coach and entrepreneur who quit corporate America to pursue her passion of horses. She went on to create a seven-figure business buying, training and selling horses all over the country. Today, she teaches business professionals and entrepreneurs specific tools and techniques to rewire your subconscious mind, transform your identity and take massive action towards your goals. She challenges you to step outside your comfort zone and become the best version of yourself mentally, physically, financially and spiritually. Let's welcome Lucy.


Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here with you today, Chris.


Thank you so much for taking some time out to be a guest here on Glass Half Full, we're happy to have you as well. Can you tell everyone where you are in the world and what time it is?


Yeah, so I am in Michigan and we are in the Eastern time zone.


Yes, and what time is that?


It is 9 am in the morning.


Thank you for this morning time. Are you a morning person?


I am. It's like I love the morning. It's like you wake up and it's a new, a new, fresh start, a new day full of opportunities and, uh, I look forward for them. I look forward to the mornings, just because I love my morning routine. Um, so, yes, I love the morning.


Oh, that's cute. Okay, nice Thanks, nice. Well, we thank you for your time this morning. We're going to jump right on in. I like to ask all my guests this first question I believe that our lives are in spiritual design. Can you share your life layout or blueprint with everyone? This is where you're from, your family lifestyle, how you grew up, through your education all the way up to present day, please.


Yeah, absolutely so. I grew up just outside of Detroit, in suburbia, if you will. My parents were blue collar workers. My mom had two factory jobs. I'm my dad's only child and my mom has two other children with a different guy. So I have two, two half one brother, one half brother and one half sister, and my mom had a kid every decade. So I'm the baby. So I'm 33, my brother's 42, and my sister's 52. So, yeah, which is pretty cool because my mom and my sister were actually pregnant at the same time, which means that, yeah, so when my mom was, my mom was 34 and she was pregnant with me and my sister was 19 and she was pregnant with my niece, and me and my niece Ashley are like just BFF, best friends, inseparable, and I'm five weeks older than her.


So you're the aunt? Oh my gosh. So, does she call you aunt? Does she say no Okay?


Just wondering Go ahead. Yes, so does she call you aunt? Does she say no, okay, just wondering, go ahead. And so I was, uh, I was obsessed with horses ever since I can remember and I would beg my dad every single day dad, please buy me a horse.


and he and he, like he just said I love you, sweetheart. But unfortunately our family doesn't have the means to purchase or maintain a horse and it was essentially just out of the realm of possibilities given the circumstances. And, uh, I would pray at night like dear god, please let me just dream that I'm riding a horse in my dreams, so that way it felt like I was actually doing it in real life and I can't tell you how many times, like I would be imagining my left foot going in the stirrup and my right leg swinging over the saddle and then, poof, I would wake up. So by the time I was 16, I'm like I got to take matters into my own hands. The day that I turned 16 was the same day that I got my driver's license and I put an ad on Craigslist and I said I will ride your horse for free. And that is when I figured out that if you can follow your passion and find out where your skills lie, what your talents are and exploit them in the service of others, you are going to be met with unprecedented success and true fulfillment in the service of others. And so that's what I did is I put this ad on Craigslist.


Next thing, you know, I have all these yahoos calling me with their unbroke, green broke horses that hadn't been touched or handled in five to 10 years. And here I am, like a 16 year old with a brand new license, just excited and driving all over God's country riding these people's horses, and I never had any formal education or instruction, so the horses taught me everything that I know up until today. And next thing, you know, I'm getting bucked off, thrown off, flipped over on top of you name it. It happened. So, needless to say, it was like a failing forward moment, but it's important to just never give up on your dreams, just to stay laser focused on your goals, no matter what happens. The, the curve balls life throws at you. How many times you fall off the horse, just get back on.


And uh, so I lived and I learned and eventually I ended up meeting a horse dealer who would get in like 50 horses a week and I had to ride everything and I had to buy. I had to. I had to sell it fast, quick, cheap, because if I didn't sell it fast enough, it was getting shipped to Canada to go to the slaughterhouse. So, yeah, so I'm on a. So here I am, on a mission to save all the horses in the world.


And, uh, that was like my first step into the world of entrepreneurship because it was like how many horses do you want to ride, how many horses do you want to save and sell? Five, 10, 15 a day. And that's what I did all growing up, throughout high school, throughout college. I graduated college, got scooped up into the corporate world and I was still selling horses on the side and during that time I was like an Excel spreadsheet wizard and I would have to work on these Excel spreadsheets that were just miles of rows and columns long. And during that time I had my headphones in and I was listening to Dr Wayne Dyer and I would take notes and I would have notebooks full of his teachings and at the same time that was happening, I had like the world's worst boss and his name was. His name was.


Justin, you're going to blast him out. You're going to blast him. Go ahead, go ahead.


I know I was going to, but I'm like no, his name was Justin.


All the.


Justins in the world.


I have a best friend named Justin. They're not all bad, they're not.


He was so negative, so pessimistic and just like. Unfortunately, he was a really miserable human being and I had to travel all over the country with him to different manufacturing plants oh no, stop it. And he would list. He would literally list off every single thing that could go wrong and then, unsurprisingly, he would attract these negative circumstances. And I just saw the movie the secret when I was 18 and I was excited and just empowered by it and I'm like justin it does not serve you to focus on what you don't want and to speak into existence Every single thing that could go wrong. You're doing yourself a huge disservice.


And so it wasn't long before I knew I had to leave life in the cube.


So it was hands down, one of the scariest things I've ever done leaving this comfy, cozy corporate job with full benefits, paid vacation, awesome salary and just like the security of the paycheck right. But although it was the most terrifying thing I've ever done, it has been the most rewarding and the most gratifying decision, that there's not been one day that I have regretted my decision to take that leap of faith and take that chance on myself. So I say all of this just because not to say oh hey, look at me. But really, because I believe that it's so important to live, lead and inspire by example, and I know that I've stumbled across some beautiful teachings that I've been able to really implement in my life and in my business to grow it and achieve the success that I've achieved thus far. And so now I'm so excited about quantum physics and really teaching people how to leverage the laws of the universe to very intentionally create the life of your dreams. So that's how I've got from where I am, from where I was, to where I am today.


Now you know that is a huge dump talking about horses and then you know, like the bio said it all, I know people are like huh, you know what I mean. Because we feel like, oh, she's about to be something with animals. Surprise, you know, but I like the connection that has been brought from the fact is about the horses, because this is where it started and it was about connection and following that dream about something that you all and you had manifested it for years, way before you had seen it in your mind, you had made it already real and then it had come to life and I love it. I love it. That's awesome. That's awesome. Thank you for giving us a breakdown to where you are. So let's talk about your business. So what exactly is it that you do? What is it that you have with clients? What are you teaching them? Give us some of the information about, what is it that you're giving them or advising them on?


What is it that you're giving them or advising them on? Well, ultimately, it's really understanding the subconscious mind and how to rewire the subconscious mind and create an entirely different identity that is going to create the life of your dreams, the reality that you want to experience. It's a three-step. There's like there's three-step process and this is essentially what I walk everybody through. The first, the first pillar, is all about energy or state, and it's really under and that's really understanding that the quantum physics side of things, and that we live in a vibrational universe.


We live in an attraction-based universe and we don't attract what we want, we attract what we are. So if we want more love, we have to be more loving. If we want more money, we're going to have to embody the energy of abundance and become more generous. And that's why the power of gratitude is so important, because when we pour out gratitude, god hears that the universe listens and he's going to put more things along our path for us to be grateful for. So, really understanding that energy is our highest form of currency, because we don't attract what we want, we attract what we are. So therefore, we have to really become like, embody the energy of, of the life that we want to to attract.


So how does raising, I'm sorry, go ahead Sorry. Go ahead, I was going to ask you about the vibration you spoke about. So how does raising the vibrational frequency influence our ability to attract wealth and financial abundance?


Yeah, so, basically, what's really important to understand is that we are where we are based on every single decision that we've made up until this point, and therefore we can say with absolute certainty that decision shapes our destiny. Well, what's the one thing that is going to affect every single decision that we make up until this point? That's going to be our emotional state, or our energy, or the vibration that we're operating at, and so that's why I like to talk to people about really what is a peak state. What's a peak emotional state? And that's when you feel just unstoppable, when you feel full of passion, when you feel like you can hurdle over any obstacle placed in your way.


And this is a physical feeling that you're talking about as well. Like this feeling of feeling like I'm unstoppable, I'm the, I'm the I'm unstoppable. Like you really feel, like the hero that you feel, the superhero.


Okay, got it and it's like how many hours a day do you feel empowered with that energy? How many hours a week? How many many hours a month? And unfortunately, so many of us are conditioned to live in lower vibrational frequencies frequencies of stress, of worry, of lack of fear, of overwhelm. And we get conditioned to live in these lower vibrational energies for so long that, after so many days, weeks, months, that we eventually take these energies on as characteristics and traits of our personality.


And the important thing that we need to really understand is that we are going to make radically different decisions when we're operating from a peak emotional state versus when we're operating in a lower vibrational state.


So, if we can, because the decisions we're making in a peak emotional state are really going to propel us forward towards our goals much faster than if we're operating in a lower vibrational state.


So that's why it's so important to realize that if you can really become aware of how you're feeling, the thoughts that you're thinking, the emotions that you're feeling and really the vibration that you're operating in, the frequency you're operating in, then you're going to be doing yourself a huge service, because you're like oh wait, I'm operating out of alignment, I'm not showing up as my best self and therefore I'm not thinking the right thoughts, I'm not experiencing the right emotions, I'm not taking the right actions that are going to set me up for the success that I want to reach. So the first step is awareness and the second step is what are the actions I can take that are going to raise my vibration and lift me up, kind of liberate me, set me free? Just allow me to experience these feelings of peace, of prosperity, of well-being, of abundance, whatever those high vibrational feelings may be for you that you want to experience. Because once you start allowing yourself to experience those higher vibrational frequencies, then you're setting yourself up for success, because you attract what you are and therefore you'll attract people, places, experiences, things that are in alignment with that energy.


Yes, I love it. I love it. Yes, vibration is important, important I want to talk about, before we move on about the peaks emotional state. How do you access it? Is there a way to get into it? Is there something that we can do to way to get into it? Is there something that you know we can do to instantly help get us there?


Yeah, so I like. What I like to do is I like to give people a whole toolbox of different strategies and techniques that will instantly raise your vibration, because it's really important. Um, as you're moving throughout the day, like life happens, there's going to be ebb and flows, life's going to throw us curve balls, we're going to get a bad phone call from our boss, or someone's going to cut us off at work, we're going to be fighting with our spouse. Like life just happens, and so it's.


It's really important for us to be fully equipped with all sorts of different tools that we can instantaneously pull out and use. So, first thing is, like, the quickest way to change your state is going to be change your physiology, which means movement, which means move your body. So, if you're in a place like, if you look at a depressed person like their, their shoulders are hunched over, their head is down, their breath is shallow, they're talking in like a very low voice, their tempo is very slow, and so the first thing that you can do if you're not feeling super great is just get up, get outside, start moving, like just being outside in nature.


Nature is the perfect vibration. So even just walking, like going for a walk outside, moving your body, breathing fresh air, that sounds simple but it's very effective, very powerful. Then if you were to put, or if you put on, some music music again it's going to be, it's like a trigger to where you listen to it and it's immediately going to put a smile on your face and then it's going to inspire you to move and dance. And I used to have my one of my best friends lived with me for three years and we were. You know, it was amazing.


We made breakfast every morning breakfast parties, we put music on and we would just dance every morning. And I can't tell you that's just good for the soul, whether it's putting music on, whether it's dancing, sometimes it's just phoning a friend, just because that's what our friends are there for. Our friends are there to lift us up and inspire us. And sometimes, when we and again not only do we get in patterns of physiology, but we get pattern and we fall into these patterns of language as well, and really when we talk to our friends and depending on the people who we surround ourselves with, the language that we use is really going to paint the life that we live, based on the just. We're just.


Like our thoughts carry energy, our words are carry energy as well, they're very powerful, and so that's why it's so important, Like if you're going to phone a friend, phone that friend that's uplifting and inspiring and is going to tell you like, don't worry, you're exactly where you're supposed to be, right here, right now.


Shift your perspective and, instead of looking at it from like victim mode, just switch it over, switch the flip and just understand that life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you, and this is happening for a reason, even if you might not know or understand why, like, if you're experiencing a valley or an obstacle, it's because that you're meant to overcome this and on the other side of that, you're going to be better, wiser, faster, stronger in having overcome that obstacle. Music dancing, writing out lists of gratitude like gratitude is so powerful, and I know I have been in places, um, like lower vibrational spaces, where I've been full of full of anger or stress or fear or whatever it's been, and I noticed that, um, I'm operating out of alignment. So first thing I do is take out a pen, and paper, or even on my phone, and I'll just start typing out my gratitudes. And every single night I write out my gratitudes. I've been doing this for eight years now.


Can you explain people. What does it mean that you're writing out gratitudes, because some people might not understand that. Can you break it down?


Yeah, absolutely so. I think that I believe that every single person should have a daily gratitude practice, because what that does is that really retrains your mind to look for the good. Um, another pattern is people have pattern of focus and we fall into these patterns of focus and just like your podcast Glass Half Full. How do you see the world? What's the lens through which you experience life? Are you looking at the glass as half full? Are you looking at it as half empty? Are you choosing to focus on the good, the silver lining, the lesson learned, even through the difficult time? And so when we really incorporate this practice of gratitude every single day, what it does is it begins to train our subconscious mind to look for the good in every situation.


So what I do every single night is I write out these lists of gratitude, and it starts from the very like I'm grateful for for, for waking up and meditating. I'm great for cold showers and hot oatmeal. I'm grateful for an incredible every morning, and I'm grateful for I'm grateful for training with Jen. Or it might be like and I'm grateful for I'm grateful for training with Jen. I might be like oh, I'm grateful for a beautiful trail ride, I'm grateful for the sun shining. I'm grateful for journaling in the thunderstorm, I'm grateful for a peaceful ride wherever I'm going, moving through traffic with ease and flow and whatever it is, and they can be small wins and it can be big wins, but I, literally I usually recommend people start off with three to five things, but once you start going, you'll start to see like, wow, I'm grateful for this, I'm grateful for this, I'm grateful, and it's like there's so many things to be grateful for and it's just like you can't be grateful and frustrated at the same time.


Both emotions can't rest in the same place.


Not at all then it's really important to understand that we are blessed with freedom of focus and that we don't have to focus on the negative or the lack or whatever bad thing. There is so much good to focus on, and so that's why having that gratitude practice is going to really set you up for success and retrain your subconscious mind to look for the good in all things.


I love that. That's such a great small thing, but the effect is so huge, so huge. Nice. Thank you for breaking that down, for us for sure. Okay, let me ask you why do you think so many people feel stuck or depressed or beat down? Is it because just that they have chosen, made bad decisions in their lives? Is it because their vibration is low? Is it family things? What do you say?


I think that I truly believe that if people are stuck, it's because they're stuck in a story are stuck, it's because they're stuck in a story.


So if you take a look at our lives, if you take a step back and really analyze your life, you'll really start to realize that our life is nothing more than a sequence of patterns, and we do the same thing every morning, every afternoon and every evening.


We are, by nature, creatures of habit and we have, like I said, patterns of focus, patterns of language and patterns of physiology, and these patterns really are unconscious programs that run our life. I think a Harvard A Harvard study was just released that 48% of our day is ran on autopilot, meaning like we don't even realize what we're doing from our past, from our parents, from any traumas that we might have lived through, and therefore these conditions have created belief systems that shape our paradigm, and what that means is that we all have these beliefs that are built within us, and so many people like to defend their beliefs. And when you're defending your belief, you're fighting for your limitation as opposed to really questioning why do you believe this to be true? What, like? How can I challenge this belief system? And so that's what. When people are feeling stuck, it's usually because they're stuck in a story. Our life is nothing more than a story.


I've never heard it put this way, but that is hilarious. That is great. I love that. Yeah, they are stuck in a story.


And when we really stop until I feel like wait, I am the powerful, magnificent creator of my reality. I like to say every moment is a manifested miracle. The quality of our life is determined by the quality of our thoughts, and a lot of times people are just stuck in a perpetual loop of observing what is and putting their, and therefore they're just continuing to create more of what is. We can choose to live from a memory of the past or a vision of the future, and so many people forget that, or they just we're not taught this. A lot of people don't understand quantum physics and understanding that the 3D reality that you experience, your outer world is a perfect reflection of your inner world. It's almost like looking at a mirror, and if you're looking at a mirror and the reflection in the mirror is frowning, you can't say it's crazy, to say oh well, as soon as the reflection in the mirror smiles, I'll smile. That's not how this world works. You have to smile first for the reflection in the mirror to smile back at you, and so that's why Gandhi says be the change you want to see in the world. Because we can't control our external world, we can't control people, places, things that are outside of us. We can't control what he says or what she thinks or how they're going to react. We can only choose how we feel internally, our internal world. And it's like when we change, just like Dr Wayne Dyer says, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change, and that it's it's.


I've experienced this profoundly in my own world, in my own relationships, because when I started, when I literally decided to to exchange my, my irritation and I was annoyed with somebody, exchange my irritation and I was annoyed with somebody in my life, and as soon as I'm like you know what, I'm just going to appreciate them for who they are. It was like our entire relationship pivoted, like dramatically changed. From that moment moving forward, it was like I was living a whole new reality. It was like I was living a whole new reality. It was insane so, and that was just like the perfect illustration of how all change starts with ourselves. Whether it's health, fitness, whether it's finance, whether it's relationships. We are where we are today based on every single decision we've made up until this point.


So, if we want a bright new future, if we want exciting new reality, if we want financial freedom, if we want perfect health and amazing relationships. It's like if we don't have those things already, it's because we're not a vibrational match to them and that means that we can. It's impossible for us to continue to do the things that we've always done, because if we always do what we've always done, we'll just continue to experience more of what we already have. So if we want a bright new future in all of these things, we're really going to have to become a different person. We're going to have to think new thoughts. We're going to have to create new habits. We're going to have to create new habits. We're going to have to respond differently. And I read in a book the other day. It was like we have to be like the moth to the flame of our desires and really just like let go of everything that we know, everything that's familiar with us, and ask ourselves okay, what do I have to become in order to attract this lifestyle?


So Ooh, break it down, Lucy. Break it down. Yes, I love it. I love it. Yeah, this is true. You know, all of this we have to the seed starts within. We have to make our thought processes changing, renewing the mind, and all things will be brand new. You know, when you're able to have this change, like you say, you'll look at things. Everything will be different the way that you see things, and you know it's a lot of energy used to be angry and upset. You know it's a lot of hustle and bustle, and I've also learned that sometimes it's just not best to repeat stories right away, you know, especially the ones that are going to get you so worked up. It's almost that you're back at that moment again and people like don't yell at me, I didn't do it when you're telling them.


You know just that fire of emotion.


It's quick. You know that. That tongue as well, as you spoke about earlier once it's unleashed, once you know they say the tongue is an unruly beast and that sometimes we say the things that we don't mean in times of being, you know, worked up. So once it's out there, it's out there. So we want to take the time to really be careful about the power of our words and what we're able to say. Sometimes we are imprisoning ourselves with things that are being put out. I tell you Also.


You spoke about tools. It's one of my huge things. I've said on many podcasts Having tools in the toolbox is everything, because if you're not there, what am I going to do? How am I going to work out this situation? What can I dig into my box and pull out to help me in this situation? And I feel that that is my goal as a teacher, as well as to leave my students with tools that they can use to get them out of all kinds of situations that might arise when Chris is not there, to be able to give them the answer that they need to find, and with that, they're able to find it in themselves. So I like that. Just wanted to touch back on that. I want to quickly jump and talk about meditation. I want to know how you feel about it. What are the key benefits of it? How can it enhance our financial decision making or financial health, or spiritual health?


Yeah, so all change is preceded by awareness. We can't change what we're unaware of, and so that goes back to that unconscious programming right.


So if we want to become the next best version of ourselves, if we want to experience financial freedom next best version of ourselves if we want to experience financial freedom, if we want to experience like the best relationships possible, incredible communication or really just like health wise if we were struggling with our health and we want to make better eating habits, like really becoming aware of emotional eating is huge. So awareness is the key, to like is the big is what really unlocks any meaningful change. And meditation the definition of meditation means to become aware of oneself. So I am a huge proponent of meditation. In fact, I believe if there's one thing, if there's one thing I could recommend everybody just start implementing in their life, that I can guarantee them is going to yield incredible results and up-level every single area of their life. It's gifting yourself 10 or 15 minutes every single morning to just meditate.


And I know so many people have this misconception of like oh well, I'm not a monk and I don't live in the mountains, I don't have time to meditate. Like, get out of here with that, like pie in the sky, nonsense, that's not for me. I've tried it. I can't quiet my mind, my mind's too busy, I can't shut it down and it's just like no, that's perfect, it's not for me. I've tried it. I can't quiet my mind, my mind's too busy, I can't shut it down and it's just like no, that's perfect. It's actually like meditation is for everybody, and so what I like to say is like, first of all, there's so many different kinds of meditation, like there's guided meditations, there's breathwork meditations, there's mantra meditations, there's music meditations, there's breathwork meditations, there's mantra meditations, there's music meditations, there's silent meditations. And what I like to do is really give people like it's like a smorgasbord of meditations, and I think it's really important to try one of each kind.


Feel what resonates best with you, with your schedule and with what you're most comfortable, with what feels most in alignment, and then really watch as your day unfolds, because when you meditate, what you're doing is you're very intentionally raising your vibration.


What that means is you're quieting your mind. So if we know that we think approximately 60 to 70,000 thoughts a day and 90% of those thoughts are all negative, it's like that little voice in our head is, you know, is constantly tearing us down or telling us that we're not good enough, or, you know, spending so much time and energy worrying and focusing on what could go wrong, that it's just like hiding that voice and it's like you're really washing away all of your worries, letting go all of your fears, all of your limiting beliefs, anything that's like weighing you down or holding you back. And when you do that, your vibration is immediately going to rise. And you're going because we all, we all naturally have a high we're. We're just like Dr Wayne Dyer says we're not human beings having a spiritual experience, we're spiritual beings having a human experience.


Yes, yes, yes, yes and so our vibration is naturally operating at a very high level, but it's just all of the baggage that we're always accumulating, the things that we're holding on to, that we're stressing about, that we're choosing to worry about that are weighing us down. So when we can let go of that and release that, our vibration is going to naturally rise to where, like it's natural set point, where it's supposed to be, where we're meant to operate from. And so the cool thing about meditation is that it allows us to become the observer of our thoughts. So many people like it's.


It's really important to understand that we are not our thoughts, like every single thought that you think is not yours. It's not who you are. You are the observer of your thoughts, and so the cool thing about meditation is like when you close your eyes and relax and really just focus on your breath or focus on the music that you're listening to, eventually a thought's going to creep in, and it's really the whole. The beauty and the power of this practice is in recognizing that a thought has creeped in and then, at that moment, being like oh, I'm thinking a thought, I'm going to lovingly release it and then returning back to your breath or back to the sound of the music, or the sound of the air conditioner or the fan, or whatever it is that you're listening to. And then, sure enough, five, 10, 30 seconds later, another thought is going back in Like that's how your mind works.


And so it's all about, you know, not falling down that rabbit hole of like, oh I've got to go to the bank and then I got to pick up for school and I got to go grocery shopping.


Yes, all this yeah.


What am I making for dinner? You know what? Even if you fall down that rabbit hole of thought like that's OK too, everything's OK. But your power is really in realizing like, oh, I'm thinking those thoughts again, let me lovingly release them and then return back to my breath. And the reason why this is such a powerful practice is because it really it gives you your power back when you're, when you're living life.


So when you're moving through the day and somebody cuts you off in traffic, or your boss calls you with bad news, or you're fighting with your spouse or whatever thing it is, instead of reacting unconsciously whether you're lashing out or you're yelling, or you're getting really angry or you're triggered by something, it's like in that moment of when you're acting out of alignment, then you can take a step back and be like whoa, I'm yelling and I'm angry and I'm mad and I don't want to yell, I don't want to be angry, I don't want, outside circumstance, this person or this thing to really like rattle me and upset me and steal my peace.


And so it's in that moment where you decide that you're like I don't want to show up like this and I'm going to take my power back. And then, instead of reacting unconsciously, you're choosing to respond with kindness, compassion, grace and love, and it's like life is 10% about what happens and 90% about how we respond. Our power is in the now moment how we're choosing to respond to external circumstances, because whatever result is going to unfold is going to be dictated by how we respond to those outside circumstances, and that's why our power is now. So, yeah, I don't remember what the question is, but Girl, you went in honey, you went in on it.


Yes, I was like hey, this is it.


We talked about meditation and you went in on the soapbox. I said up testing, take it away, take it away. Well, you're passionate about it and I love that you broke it down to baby. You baby fed that. For people who really don't know what meditation is, they can walk away now and get the idea that this is what Lucy said. Now it makes sense to me, so you just spoon fed that. That was awesome, Really, really great explanation and very well explained about it and awareness is key.


This is it right. Everything comes to being aware, to knowing, and that's why I told my students you can't fix something if you don't know, it's broken, you know and number one once you realize, oh, it's broken, then we can fix it.


But when you don't know, then there's you're continuing on like everything is okay and so this is it. Being aware and being in the moment, being present, is huge. It's huge. And you know, it's taken me years to be able to get to feeling like I can be present and feel like I'm in the moment. And when you're in the moment, so many things are happening that you catch, that you would never catch if you were not in the moment, like just the sense of awareness, so much so that other people have no idea what's going on. I'm like, oh, did you catch in? Like, oh, really, I didn't even really Like. You know, it seems that Zozo, sorry, go ahead.


No, you're right, I was just going to say like just being aware of your energy, but also other people's energy, because we're all. We're all empathic beings. Because we're all empathic beings, yes, and it's a matter of how in tuned to your feelings are you, and the more that you spend time in meditation or just being present, you'll really start to feel like your intuition, and I feel like your intuition is such a powerful tool. I feel like praying is when we talk to God and meditation is when we listen to God, and I feel like intuition is when we're moving through the day and it's like God speaking to us, kind of giving those intuitive nudges of go there, don't do that Something seems right, and I always tell people you better follow that.


You know what I mean.


Like oh, I don't know, I'm not really sure. Yeah, you're not, because something feels off. The spirit is letting you know. Hey, back up. You know, don't do it.


And exactly. And the more you spend time in that meditative space, the more you tune into your empathetic power and therefore, you lean into your intuition and you trust that and you feel that more fully.


Yes, girl, this is true, you've touched it. You're right, this is it and all of it is connecting. It's like a chain reaction effect. All of this, the meditation, will help the awareness. All of it will feel like it's all pieced together and once people feel like they are ready to start, it's the rabbit hole, because once you start, you're going to go and realize like wait a minute you know, that aha moment.


Yes, and actually funny that you say this. So one thing that I always like to put a warning label on meditation, so like here we go.


And so um. So what I like to share with me about meditation is so when you're meditating, like I said, you're very intentionally raising your vibration, and when you're raising your vibration, you can only experience things that are in harmony with that higher vibration. So what that means is that lower vibrational people places things jobs, relationships, people who knows that are operating at a lower frequency that don't serve. You will eventually fall away. So when you start meditating and you start very intentionally raising your vibration, sometimes what can happen is that your world can feel like it's crumbling all around you, because everything that you that might feel familiar, um, because it was like a lower vibrational thing in your life is.


I need it now start to just fall away, and it can be a really scary process, as all of the things that were once familiar with you are starting to leave. But the beautiful thing is that once those things are gone, more beautiful, fulfilling things can fill in their place, as, like, things start to shake up a little bit. Don't worry and just have faith and really trust the process. Know that you are exactly where you're supposed to be, right here, right now, that life is happening for you and that everything is unfolding exactly as it's meant to. So just stick with the process and have faith that the next step is going to be better and better and better, and allow those positive experiences and those rewarding relationships, or that financial abundance to just flow to you and not allowing fear to creep in in any way.


Yeah, because fear is the key right. It will just creep on in, the doubt will start coming in. I will tell people, when you start doubting, just turn it right on around, think of gratefulness and think of, try to instantly turn that emotion. No, it's not, I'm not going to accept that. You know like these things are going to come to test us and we have to be able to have the tools to be able to put on and, you know, to be able to really battle these things as well. So so good. I wanted to ask you about forgiveness. Yeah, talk to us a little bit about forgiveness. What's your feeling and opinion about it?


Forgiveness is is really, really, really important. It's kind of like I think the saying or the phrase is like not forgiving somebody is like making a cup of poison and drinking it yourself, Like you're really doing yourself a huge disservice by holding on to that grudge and not allowing yourself. Like when you forgive somebody else, you are like liberating yourself from that lower vibrational energy and because, like, we are all unconditional, like unconditional love is the fabric of the universe, like I like to say, God is love, and love is God.


And therefore, when we talk about judgment, same thing. If we're choosing to judge someone else, we're literally having to lower our vibration to do so, because if we're unconditional love, that means that we are all accepting. We're accepting of all things and of exactly how they are, and that can be really difficult, especially if you have a, you know, maybe it's like a difficult colleague or coworker or a boss. Really understand, like whoa, like I have to accept them exactly as they are and I have to just and it takes some time sometimes.


This is, yeah, this is a lesson learned for sure.


It's not so easy, but I mean, yeah, but you're right, so please continue yeah, and so it's just like when we judge people and in order to do that, we really have to lower our vibration in order to do so so when you're already operating in this high vibrational space of just love and joy and bliss and peace and abundance, it's just like you feel good right there.


It doesn't feel better to drop down and judge someone, just like it doesn't feel better to hold onto a grudge and not forgive somebody, even if it's somebody that has legitimately wronged you or harmed you or hurt you mentally, physically, financially, whatever it is justified in. In feeling upset with that person. However, there is something very powerful that takes place. It's like a, it's like spiritual, it's magical that when you release that within you and you're like I understand that you did the best you could with the resources that you had at that time and I'm not going to hold that against you it's like you're freeing something within yourself and you're yes, and you're allowing yourself to operate in the fullest expression of unconditional love and acceptance.


And when you do that, again, you don't attract what you want, you attract what you are. You are just opening the floodgates to allow more positive people, places and experiences to come to you.


It's true, and you know the forgiveness is for you, it's not for the other people. They're sleeping good at night, you know what I mean. Like it's for us to forgive ourselves as well. I mean, of course, you have to forgive them too, but we have to forgive ourselves. You know, a lot of people have not forgiven themselves, and a lot of times they're taking the blame for things that really was never theirs anyway. But to be able to forgive yourself, then is huge, and so I agree, forgiveness is a big, big part, and being able to level up our vibration is a big, big part. And being able to level up our vibration, I wanted to ask what's the next step in the formula to success after we learn to manage our state?


Yeah. So the next thing is once you understand that that energy is our highest form of currency and that once you control your inner world, you can then control your outer world. The next thing is desire and getting crystal clear on exactly what it is that you want in life. So many times like my favorite question to ask people is if you could have life any way that you wanted it, if you had unlimited resources and money was of no concern, what would your life look like? And almost immediately people will begin to respond with like oh well, I don't want this and I don't want that and I wouldn't have that. And it's just like no, no, no, no, no. Society has this condition to focus on what we don't want. That's like where your focus goes, your energy flows and you're just going to continue Again. You're stuck in this perpetual loop of focusing on what is or what you don't want, that you're just continually attracting more of it.


So, true, so it's breaking the cycle. So what I help people do is I help people get crystal clear on their vision. We go through a vision extraction process where we talk about, like the five areas of life health and fitness, relationships, career, finance, lifestyle because life is meant to be celebrated and experienced and it's supposed to be fun, right.


And then, lastly, spirituality, because when and I, I and I couple like self-development and growth in that self. And spirituality, because I believe that we're here for joyous expansion, we're spiritual beings meant to grow and evolve and expand, and when we do that, like the more we learn, the more we earn. Like the more we learn, the more we earn, and therefore that's cute. Spiritually it's going to pour out into every other area of our life.


So, having that, that vision in front of us, that's written out, that we're able to read every single day or every other day, or even if it's every week, it doesn't matter. But really, as a reminder. It's a reminder because what that does is it activates our RAS. Um, and our, our RAS is our reticular activating system. So what did you call it? Uh, reticular activating system.


So, for example, if I'm like, oh, chris, how many red cars did you see on your drive home today? Like I don't know, I wasn't looking for them Versus tomorrow, I'm like, hey, chris, how many cars did you see on your drive home? You're like, oh, I saw 26. Why? Because you were paying attention, because you were looking for them. So the same thing is, when we have our vision in front of us and we're reading it on a regular basis, our mind moves towards what it's familiar with, and our mind also doesn't know the difference between a memory or a vision of the future, envisioning it and embodying the emotions of it. What it's doing is not only is it familiarizing ourself with it, but we're also stepping into the receiving mode and we're embedding these ideas into our reticular activating system. So, as we move through the day, as opportunities present themselves, we are willing and ready to seize them, if you will.


It's true.


Those opportunities might have been there the whole entire time and we didn't just bet, we weren't aware. Exactly, and so that's why it's so important to really get absolute clarity on what you want, so that way I can help people make a roadmap of how to get them there.


I love that. The roadmap, yes, nice, so good, so good and so well explained, so well explained. What do you think is the real hunger of humanity right now? Such a big question but just in your opinion, dealing with people you have, you know, dealing with clients and society, the news what do you think is the real hunger?


I think social media right now makes it really easy for us to compare ourselves to everybody else and what they have and what they're doing. And, as we all know, comparison is the thief of all joy.


I never heard it put that way, oh yeah.


That's good so, because when we compare ourselves to others, it's just like, oh, we're comparing what we think is their life to what we know is ours, and like we're left feeling just unfulfilled and not good enough. And so I think that social media can paint this picture where, like, success is all about affluence or wealth, or money, or financial success or influence, and it's just like that is important and that can lead to a lot of really wonderful experiences. But I think that what humanity is searching for most is fulfillment. Fulfillment, just feeling fulfilled in every single area of their life, not only in their, their work and their career and their finances, but also in their relationships with their spouses, with their families, with their friends, really garnering those amazing relationships, and then also with their health, because health is wealth. You can have all the money in the world, but if you don't, yeah, be healthy, don't spend it. Yeah, if you're sick and you're not feeling well, then how great is it to be on a giant yacht if, like you don't?


I mean you're like garbage and you can't enjoy it.


So I think really like the ultimate thing is really just fulfillment in every single area of your life, and I think the key to feeling that fulfillment is progress.


I think progress is what is going to make every human feel better, better even if, like, they haven't attained the financial freedom that they're seeking or the six pack abs in the mirror, or like manifested their soulmate yet.


I think, just in the like, in the pursuit of progress and making, like having those small wins every single day, I think that's where the joy truly lies. So, and I think it's all about, about making the right decisions and acting in alignment and going back, one step is really setting yourself up for success energetically and activating those peak emotional states and using tools like gratitude or meditation. So that way it's like, let me set myself up for success. Every single day, I'm going to spend 15 minutes meditating and when I do that, I'm leveling up my vibration. So that way, as I move through the day, I'm only going to experience people, places and things that are in alignment with this higher vibrational state. And therefore, angry people, frustrated people, bad news, traffic jams, whatever it is, undesirable circumstances. They can't reach me, they can't even affect me, they can't touch me, yes, aggressional match.


I love that. Yes, they can't even touch me, said you can't even get in here, honey. Yes, ooh, you did it, you did it. Wow, so good. In here, honey. Yes, ooh, you did it. You did it. Wow, so good. So good, lucy, so good. I'd like to ask my guest this final question Is your glass half empty or half full?


Oh, I can say with certainty that my glass is half full baby. Yes, we've been working on that for many years and I feel very blessed to be able to say that I've crafted the narrative in my life in such a way that I believe that even the valleys of life, even the difficulties, even when I don't understand why this is happening to me right now, why it's just like I don't understand it, but I know that there's a bigger reason, there's a purpose.


It's happening. For my good, I know Like, yes, this is it, this is it, you're right. You just learn to say it and just keep on moving. Instead of feeling like you're going to have a full tasm and spasm out and all that screaming spasm out and all that screaming yell and all that stuff. It's like okay, I'm like all right, lord, what do you want me to do? All right, I'm listening. What's, what's next?


What's happening, you know, it's really just leaning into that unshakable faith Because, like I like to say that, like the most successful entrepreneurs and business minds, the multimillionaires are going to say that, like one of the, like the, the number one secrets to all success is really having faith. Because if you don't have faith in yourself, if you don't have faith in a higher power, if you don't believe in yourself, like I like to say that belief is essentially what bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be.


That's the third pillar of my program is belief, because you can know, you can have a vision and know with absolute certainty what it is that you want. But if you don't believe in yourself, if you don't believe that you're worthy or that you're capable of achieving or attaining that thing that you most long for, there's always going to be a vibrational discrepancy and the thing you most desire is always going to be just out of reach. And that's why it's so important to understand the subconscious mind and your paradigm, your belief system, because your belief system is essentially what's holding you back, what's keeping you stuck. And it's not until we identify these beliefs that aren't serving us, these habits that aren't serving us, these unconscious patterns that are running our lives, that we're able to shift and make a change and really transform our identity to become the person that has the lifestyle that we desire.


Yes, give it to us. Give it to us. I love it. I love it. Can you tell everyone how they can reach you if they want to find out more about you? Oh, first let me ask you do you have any final thoughts for our listeners? I know you, just you gave us an egg basket full, but do you want to leave us with something to savor on?


I would just like to remind everybody that you know, we are all the powerful, magnificent creators of our own reality. Each moment is a manifested miracle and the quality of life is defined by the quality of our thoughts. So if you want a better life, just really get in tuned with your thoughts, take inventory, start thinking about the thoughts that you're thinking, and once you do, it's just like we step into this power of knowing that we can be, do, have anything that we can dream of. As long as we can believe that we can, we are unstoppable.


So believing my friends is key.


Yes, nice, very, very well said, very, very well said. Can you tell everyone how they can reach you if they want to find out more about you?


Yeah, absolutely so. There's actually two things. Find out more about you. Yeah, absolutely so. There's actually two things. The first thing is we have a 16-week program that helps people very intentionally rewire their subconscious mind and transform their identity so that way they can start taking massive action towards their goals. And what we've done is we've condensed this training. We've condensed this 16-week program into a two-hour training. That's a six-part series, and normally this sells on our website for a thousand dollars okay however, um we have a special promo code for you and your audience.


Oh, yay, hey, yeah, we love a promo code. Thank, thank you.


Yes, absolutely so, the whatchamacallit, the website is ultimatesuccessblueprintcom and the promo code is GLASSHALFFUL. I'll say one word GLASSHALFFUL for you and your audience. And therefore they can go download this training no cost whatsoever, totally for free, and start implementing.


What it's for free with the code.


For free with the code Girl you doing it up honey.


Okay, Whatever like, you get a car, you get a car. It's Oprah today. Yes, Thank you. That is so sweet Wow.


That is so awesome.


Thank you so much.


Yeah, absolutely. And then the second thing is if they want to connect on social media, we have an incredible Facebook group it's called Transformation Nation, and every single day we're pouring out positive content to uplift, inspire, empower people to become the best versions of themselves mentally, physically, financially, spiritually. And what's also super exciting is every single Friday at 10.30 am Eastern, which is in about 10 minutes, I go live and I do a live gratitude meditation.


Oh, wow.


Because, like I said, um, meditation is my non-negotiable. Every single day I wake up and I meditate. So I figured I asked myself how can I give back, how can I serve? And uh, I figured I can help people kickstart their meditation journey. So, whether people are seasoned meditators or they're just getting started and they don't really know what to do, where to start, I like to just invite them to Transformation Nation. If you can find us like on Facebook, it's Lucy's Bubble L-U-C-I-E-S Bubble, and on Instagram it's Coach Lucy Lin L-U-C-I-E-L-Y-N-N. And you'll see I'm constantly posting about Transformation Nation. You can click the link and ask to join the group.


That is a really cool community where we're, just like I said, helping people become the best versions of themselves. Awesome, and all of this will be posted underneath um the podcast information, so they will have it there if they didn't get a chance to catch it and write things down at this moment. So, thank you so much. We love that. That is so sweet. Uh, we really really appreciate, we appreciate having you on the show taking some time out to be a guest here on glass Half Full. We are so glad you did it today, girl. Woo, I felt like, wow, this is almost like a TED Talk, for sure, for sure, for sure.


Thank you.


Chris, yeah, and this is 9 in the morning. Look, I'm scared of you at 2 in the afternoon or 6 o'clock in the evening. If this is a 9 o'clock, you Come on now. Yes, that's right o'clock. You come on now. Yes, right, okay, this energy is radiating. I love it. I love it. But we really thank you so much for coming in and just really sharing some amazing key points for life for us to be able to use and, as well as giving us these, these tools that we can find online to continue and being able to uplift our vibration and come into the awareness as you spoke about. So, thank you so much for being a guest here. We so glad that we had you today.


Thank you for having me.


Thank you, we'll see you real soon. You have a great day. Hello listeners of Glass Half Full, thank you for tuning in to another inspiring episode of our podcast. I'm your host, chris Levins, and I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of our supportive community. Remember, glass Half Full is not just a podcast. It's a safe platform for everyone to share their life experiences. Your stories and voice matter, and we appreciate you for being here with us. If you enjoyed today's episode and want to stay updated with our future content, please subscribe, follow and rate our podcast on Apple Music, spotify and YouTube. Your support means the world to us and it helps us reach even more listeners who can benefit from these valuable life experiences. As we wrap up this episode, always keep in mind you are blessed, no matter the challenges you face. There's a reservoir of strength within you. There's a reservoir of strength within you Until next time. Stay positive and remember the glass is always half full, see ya.