Glass Half Full

June Edward's Insightful Voyage: Unveiling Love's Psychic Landscape and the Power of Spirit Connections

Episode 56

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In this weeks episode Chris Levens talks with June Edward.  Ever been at a crossroads in your heart, wondering if there's more to your relationships than meets the eye? June Edward, a psychic medium and relationship mastery expert, joins us for an intimate exploration of the spiritual dimensions that influence our lives and loves. With a story that begins in hardship but unfolds into a symphony of psychic discovery, June’s experiences with her near-death encounter and subsequent reawakening to her abilities offer listeners a chance to contemplate the existence of a life beyond and the predestined challenges we face.

Navigating through June's transformative journey, our conversation transcends the boundaries between the seen and unseen. Her dive into the Relationship Mastery Program peels back the layers on the magnetic pull of soul connections and offers a roadmap to understanding the profound dynamics of karmic bonds, soulmates, and the enigmatic twin flame relationships. By aligning with our soul's purpose and embracing the flow of divine timing, we learn that the universe orchestrates our relationships as part of a larger, intricate dance of learning and growth.

As we wrap up this episode, our hearts and minds are left pulsing with the possibilities of what lies just beyond our perceptions. June's testament to the power of faith and the presence of angels in everyday life serves as a beacon for those seeking to manifest their own miracles. From the ethics of sharing psychic insights to tapping into the celestial aid around us, this episode is an invitation to open up to the wonders that faith, intention, and a little heavenly intervention can bring into our lives. Join us for an episode that promises to enchant and inspire, as we venture into the realm where love, karma, and the spirit converge.


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Good morning, good afternoon and good evening wherever you are in the world, and welcome to another episode of Glass Half Full, a podcast and a safe platform where we talk with a variety of teachers, entrepreneurs, spiritualists, uplifters, givers, shakers and serenaders. Everyone has a lesson to learn and a lesson to share. Let's use our life experiences to enrich someone's heart, mind, spirit and soul. Through sharing our experiences, we can be a learning inspiration for one another. I'm your host, chris Levens. Let's welcome today's guest. Today's guest is June Edward.


June Edward is the relationship mastery expert and psychic medium. June Edward has been psychic since childhood. She didn't realize she was also a medium until later in life. June experienced an NDE a near-death experience when she was 27 years old and came back to this side by choice. She can offer first-hand experience that life after life does exist. June's sold-out group readings can offer insights to the best paths for your life and help to reveal what the universe has in store. June's special gifts include working directly with the angels, guides and departed souls. These combined tools have made her a very strong and accurate relationship mastery expert and psychic medium, able to reveal validating details to help audiences get the most out of their lives and relationships, both personally and professionally. Let's give a warm welcome to June Edward. Good morning, good morning. Good morning, good morning.


Good morning.


Thank you for having me Thank you for being a guest here on Glass Half Full. We are happy to have you today. Can you tell everyone where you are in the world and what time it is, please?


So I'm in Florida, United States, and I'm on East Coast Eastern Standard Time right now, so it's about 8.30 in the morning.


Yes, good early morning. How's the weather?


It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day today. The sun's shining. I went to the gym at about five o'clock.


Oh my gosh are you serious what. Why you've been up forever.


I'm an early riser, you know I love the morning time.


Well, they say you can get the best out of the day if you wake up early. So I think so. Well, you know what I do, what I can with the part of the day that I have.


so I know I hate to miss a sunrise, though they're just so beautiful and I live right near the ocean, so I'm so blessed.


Oh, that's nice that you can just have that view. It is beautiful to be able to see the sunrise, though You're right, I'm in the land of the rising sun, so it's the sunset that we're getting here, compared to the For the side. Okay, we're going to jump right on in. I like to ask all my guests this first question I believe that our lives are in spiritual design. Can you share your life layout or blueprint with everyone, how you grew up, where your family lifestyle?


So everybody knows. No one knows the whole blueprint, because you're not supposed to. If you knew everything about your life then you wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. But we do plan our lives. We plan everything that happens in our life before we come here, just so we know that.


You know, if you don't like what's happening in your life, you've got no one to blame but you and I used to laugh at that because I had a very difficult upbringing. I was one of eight children, very abusive parents, I don't think we were raised, we were dragged up, is what I say. Oh, wow, and it was a very challenging life. I basically, you know, I was fortunate that you know I was able to at young ages six, seven, eight hang with friends who literally would feed me and teach me manners and skills and how to eat with a knife and fork and literally things like that, and I was good at observing other people and realizing that you know there's other, different ways to live.


This is not doesn't seem like it's the best and most optimum, but I realized that all the challenges that I went through in life have made me the person that I am and realistically, I wouldn't be able to help half the people that I help, because you really do have to walk a mile in their shoes. You can't relate to the challenges that other people have had if you haven't gone through it yourself. So there's not much that I haven't gone through in my life, to be quite honest with you, and I'm here. I came out the other side and I'm still grateful.


There, it is the great to be grateful, right? Yes, with all of it. With all of it, wow. And so tell us about you know, this is the biggest question. I'm sure everybody like what, and I know what is being psychic Like what. How did you discover your psychic abilities? This is probably like the most exciting, one of the most exciting guests.


Let me ask, let me ask you what psychic like being like so, because everybody has psychic ability and everybody has mediumship abilities. Have you ever thought about somebody and then they called you or they showed up?


I have, I have.


Well, there you go, you got psychic ability.


Now, I never said that we're not interviewing me, though we're not talking about me. We're talking about you and the things that are going on.


So it's kind of like playing a piano. Okay, everyone has everyone's born with psychic ability and mediumship ability, but it's all a little different for everybody. Okay, so it's like playing a piano. Some people sit down and all they can play is chopsticks.


Other people are interested and they'll teach themselves a couple of songs. Other people want to do it for a living, so they become, they train and become a concert pianist, and I'm like the child prodigy that sits down at six years old and plays Mozart. I was born with a lot of ability and it was very frightening as a child. My earliest memory was about three years old and I woke up in the morning hearing someone calling my voice and calling my name, and I thought it was my parents. So I get out of bed and looked and they were fast asleep. So I went back to bed and started realizing that there were faces all around my room looking at me. Oh, wow.


It scared the heck out of me. I pulled the sheets up over my face and when the sun started to come up I could see their shadows, like leaning over me on the bed. It was very frightening and yeah, and this continued and I was very afraid as a child. And then, as I got older, you know, I started to see full-figured apparitions. I remember being at my girlfriend's house one day and we were in the basement and we both heard a noise upstairs and we went outside because no one else was home but us. We went outside and I saw an apparition of a full man in her bathroom. She didn't see it, but she heard the noise and I saw the full apparition.


And you know, we weren't running to a grandfather's house. They called the police, they came in search of the house and didn't find anybody. But I was starting to see full-figure apparitions at that point. And then, as I got a little bit older and I would tell everybody in school what was going to happen before it happened, you get labeled the freak really quick, because kids are cruel, and yeah, and I tried to block it as best as I could as a kid. And then at 10, my parents split up. My dad actually kidnapped the youngest five of us and, yeah, and my job at night was to do the dishes after dinner and there was a woman that would stand there about the age of 45 and keep me company every night and talk to me while I did the dishes.


And you could fully see her.


Yeah, I thought, I thought everybody could see her.


And she didn't look like a ghost. She was in full flesh form. She didn't look like she was okay. Not at all.


Nope. And so one day I asked my brother who she is and he starts laughing and he's like, oh, you see, in the ghost of the woman that died in the house, her husband killed her and threw it on the stairs and it scared me so much she never came back, so I continued to block it from there because I was afraid. But they would still come to me if they died. Anybody that I knew that died, or an acquaintance of anybody in the family, would come to me, and the next morning I'd be like hey, you know, john Smith died last night and they're like no way, just saw him the other day. Sure enough, they'd find out that he died and then I died at 27.


Yes, we, yes, bring us up to 27 years old. So this is happening, as you, from six years old, you're going through middle school, high school, all of this, all of these things are happening. You're blocking it. You're blocking it yes, as best as you can. Now have you told your parents. What did they say?


Not really. I didn't have much of a relationship with my parents. They were very dysfunctional people, very abusive. I didn't see my mother from the age of 10 until I got married at 21. I invited her to my wedding and you know she was. You know we had a strained relationship for a long time because she had so much guilt she was carrying on top of it all. Yeah, it was very difficult.


But at 22, I had injured my back and I needed surgery and I put the surgery off as long as I could because I just knew that if I had the surgery I was gonna die. And that's your soul. Giving you a heads up, basically that knowing that is your soul. And the night before the surgery I told everybody the same thing. I said listen, I know that something's gonna happen, I'm gonna die. And they're like, oh no, you're just afraid, blah, blah, blah. And it had nothing to do with that, I just knew it.


So the night before the surgery they did an MRI test with a contrast die and I told them that I thought I was allergic to it because I had it once before and I had a very bad reaction to it. And they just put it off and said you know, it was normal, everybody had that reaction. I'm like okay, what do I know? I'm only 27, I'm not the doctor. So as soon as they administered it, I died. I flatlined, I never called it an NDE, I'd never heard of it until a few years ago because I died and that's all I knew. I died, and everyone's experience is a little bit different. I guess I immediately was just whisked to the other side, which I now know is the lowest level of heaven, the fifth dimension, and I could see everything that was happening below. You know, I could see them. He hit the crash car, they came in, they did the paddles.


They did the work, so you're watching everything as if yeah.


I could see it happening. I could also hear the nurses out in the hallway and they're talking about it, and you know, the room in back of me, what was going on. And in the meantime I'm getting a full life review and which is like sitting in front of an IMAX theater in the front row and everything that was important in my life started to run by in like a movie format. Oh, wow. And then I heard someone behind me tell me that it's not really my time. I can stay if I want to, or I could go back. It was my choice and what I you know.


I used to say that the two things you take with you when you die is knowledge and love, but I've since learned that we take all of our feelings to the other side, whatever they are hate, anger, remorse but for me it was an overwhelming sense of love and peace and being belonging. It was just amazing and it was a really tough decision. To be honest with you, I think I would have stayed, except that I just remembered for a second that I had two children here.


And those were. It was the reason that I even came back into this lifetime and that I needed to be here for them and that they brought me the most joy in life and I hadn't had my third son at that point and they were the reason that I came back and as soon as I made that decision, I was back in my body in a second. Wow, yeah, it was very difficult to talk about. For a long, long time I had to process it myself because I was one of these people that if I couldn't see it, feel it, touch it, it must not be real right, oh yeah, okay, because this is it you didn't grow up with like spirituality and religion as a child, right?




grew up in every religion there was because apparently my mother was a medium but I didn't know it at the time and she was searching for answers. So I was raised Episcopalian, baptist, protestant. I was the only Catholic in a non-Catholic school. I mean, I was only non-Catholic in a non-Catholic school. My sister ended up being Hindu. We were exposed to all kinds of religions Jewish, my mom's friends were, jewish that survived the Holocaust and yeah, I was exposed to everything. So you know, it was funny because even when I got older, went to the hospital, had my kids and they asked you religion, I just put spiritual. I didn't know there was a religion that's spiritualist. I don't, you know. I just I always knew there was a higher power. I just, you know, I didn't believe in saints and angels and all this stuff. I didn't believe in all that crap. I'm like this is just you know. So you know you believe system is based on what you're taught or what you experience.


When you experience something that's so outside of the norm, it's very hard to process. It called cognitive dissonance. It's different from you know, your brain can't adjust to it and it takes a while. And on top of that, the feeling and the amazement from the other side. You know it was hard to feel that here. When you think of quantum physics and the speed of light, it's almost 300 million miles a second. So when my soul, which is who we really are, we're not the suit that sits here, we're the energetic soul inside. When my soul went into the light and went to heaven at that speed, I was traveling at 300 million miles a second. That's an extremely high vibration. It's amazing. And the higher your vibration, the more elated you are. Think about walking into a birthday party or a wedding and everybody's happy right, your vibration rises. Imagine having such a high vibration. It's incredible. The feelings are just amazing. And then at three I came back into my body at that speed. So my vibration is automatically much higher than most people.


I think that's what attributes me to be able to connect to the other side so quickly, because I can come and go to the fifth dimension, which is the lowest level of heaven, at will. They won't let me be on that while I'm tethered to this body. I've seen beyond that, but I can't go there with my soul at this point and a lot of people that have had an NDE commit suicide because they can't get that feeling back once they come here, because the earth is a lower vibration. Human beings themselves are at a lower vibration.


But you can get that back through meditation, because your soul is way too big for this body. Some of your soul is in the body, Some of your soul is over your head, which people see and they call that an aura, and the majority of your soul is actually in the lowest level of heaven, the fifth dimension, and it orchestrates the timing of the events that happen in your life here and it also has the knowledge of all of your lifetimes. So when you meditate and get in touch with your soul and get out of your head, you're not just accessing the part of your soul that's in your body, you're accessing that part of your soul that's in heaven and has all that knowledge and it raises your vibration exponentially. Wow.


So there is science behind all of this, if they wanna really look into it and claim it.


Nice, ken. I'm sure everybody's wondering like what does the other side look like? What is it that you saw? What was your experience?


And again, I read Akashic records, which is people's books of life, and every religion speaks about a book of life and has all your lifetimes in it. And I can go back and forth to the Akashic record room at will as well, which is in the lower, the fifth dimension as well. So when I go there and everything that I've experienced, it is just bathed in white, excuse me, white light and white form. It's all white. It's white pillars. Books themselves are not white. So, for instance, when I go to the record, I got there accidentally the first time I ever got there through meditation and I'm like where the heck am I? And they're like, oh, you're in the hall of knowledge. And I'm like, well, I'm all about that. Show me all.


Yeah, and it brought me over to what looked like a tunnel. You just look down and up and it's just this. You know this? Basically a tube that just goes up and down and it's full of books. And he just called a book which floated to him and he handed it to me and I went into a side room and I opened it up and it was just like my life review, so he's a Palladian.


The person that guards the Akashic record room for me is a Palladian, which I didn't know. What a Palladian was either.


It was on the tip of my tongue to ask you yeah.


You know, I came out of the meditation and I'm explaining what happened and I'm explaining who was there that gave me the book and they're like, oh my God, it was a Palladian. I'm like what the hell is a Palladian? So I had to research all this stuff because I never heard of any of it. So Palladian is an alien life form that they are here to help us. I've never actually seen what he looks like because I've never looked up into his face and I have never. I mean, he keeps his hands under a cloak, so I have no idea what he looks like.


to be honest, and he's in white as well.


No, he's in purple. He wears a purple long gown type thing with a cape over it. That's all purple, like purple satin, and so I have never seen his hands and I've never really seen his face.


And he just floats along.


Well, he guards the Akashic record room and he gets the book for me to be able to go in and read whoever book it is that I need to read.


And he knew who you were.


Yeah, absolutely. And what's interesting is I did a reading for a woman once a few years ago and she had been abducted by aliens multiple times what? And she wanted to know why she keeps getting abducted by aliens. So I'm like gee, who the heck do I talk to to get those answers? So I talked to him and I asked him and he informed me that there were a lot of people apparently that had chosen to have knowledge to literally save the world, and she was one of those people. But unfortunately, our brains can only handle so much information and it denigrates, basically. So they keep picking them up to reinforce the information that they have.


And she was supposed to be putting the information into a book format so that it can teach multitudes of people. She had learned a new type of an energy healing which was amazing. She did it on me and it was just amazing, very different than anything I've ever felt or seen before. But she still wasn't doing that. She was like teaching small groups of people, four or five at a time, and that's not what she's not going to be able to teach the masses by doing four or five people at a time. It doesn't work that way and I explained that to her that she really needs to get it into a book format because she has to educate the masses. This is what she's here for. Until she does that, she's going to keep getting picked up because she's not really following through on what she's supposed to be doing with the knowledge she has. So it was pretty interesting.


Yes, to say the least. My goodness, I'm like wow, this is all interesting to me.


Wow, so amazing Okay so I know, yeah, I say the least every day.


And this is it, and so I wanted to ask you what is a day like for you? Are you like making coffee and people are peering? Are you like driving somewhere and somebody's at the stop light, like what's?


So it's interesting when my, when my abilities opened back up again about 10 or 11 years ago.


How did they open back up? Let me just ask that Did you start to?


accept that they were so after I after I died and came back, you would think that would be the time right, but it wasn't, because that's not how my life was planned out. I got curious again at after I died and came back and I started going on haunted vacations with my ex husband. We would go to, you know, the Wally House twice to the Queen Mary Alcatraz.


Was something happening when you guys went?


Oh, absolutely.


Oh, snap Okay.


I was starting to see, you know, the energy again. So I would see the orbs, I would hear the voices, I would smell the perfume, different things like that. So I started to get sensitized again to all the energy. And about 10 years ago I was going through a divorce and I was having difficulty with my businesses and I was making decisions out of desperation and I went to see a Reiki practitioner to relax and she recommended that I meditate. And the same thing every one of my students says to me there's no way I can meditate. My brain doesn't want to shut off. I've got all the stuff going on in my head. And the first time that I tried to meditate was like they kicked the door into the other side. She's ready, oh, wow. And my abilities opened up a thousand times stronger than they were when I was a kid and I was freaking out again because, same thing I get up in the morning, there's 30 people around my bed.


I go to work and I was working in my own business as a medical esthetician and the first woman that comes in, I stopped doing her facial and I'm like did you want just die? And she's like yeah, how'd you know? And I'm like I have no idea how I know. I'm like did you clean her house out this weekend? She goes yeah, this past weekend we cleaned everything out. I'm like, oh, like, did you find one of those sock puppets from the 1950s that looks like a monkey? She's like yeah, we found one in the attic. And I'm like oh my God, this is nuts.


The next person that comes in it's the same thing. It's Christmas time. I'm like you have four Christmas trees in your house. She goes how do you know that? I said I have no idea how I know this and I don't know what's going on with me. I said but suddenly I know stuff. That's really weird. I said you've got two upstairs, two downstairs. She goes yeah. I said you've got a rocking chair in front of your fireplace. Yeah, I said you got your husband. I said you've got a little girl, that's fine. She's like you've been in my house. I'm like I swear to God.


And now I'm like are they just playing along with me. I'm like I don't know what the hell's going on.


Right. Are they on the joke too Right?


It just kept continuing. The next one that comes in I'm like you know, do you live in this little, you know A-frame red house on the water? She's like no, I live in this big brown house in Barrington. I'm like, oh okay, am I right? Well, good, I'm not wrong. Good, I'm like, are you worried about your husband? She goes yes, the first time he's taken a trip without me is in Florida. I said he's fine, don't worry about it. Oh, okay.


Oh, wow.


Now she leaves, she comes running back into the room. She's like oh my God, oh my God, look at my phone. She goes. My husband sent this to me when I was having my facial and I look, it's the little red house on the water. And he's like look, I found our next house. Oh wow, Confirmation that you said it Coming in. Go ahead and buy that house right.


Yeah. And the next one coming in, she's got a you know. She's got a full apparition of a man in a soldier's uniform following her into the room and I'm like, are you a widow? She's like, yeah, my husband died last year. I'm like, oh my God. I'm like I said if he had any messages for you, you know, would you want to know? She's like absolutely not. I'm like, okay, so now I got this guy standing next to me the whole time I'm doing the service and I'm trying to say to him listen, I'm sorry she doesn't want to talk to you. There's nothing I can do. You know, I was freaking out. I was freaking out. I'm going through the magazines that I can find, trying to call anybody. That's a medium, ask it. How do I shut this off?


Because this is the medium side of it. Right, this is the medium is being able to see the because the psychic part is knowing what's happening before things are going to happen, correct?


Well, the psychic, yeah, pretty much, being able to speak the future and things like that. So yeah, I was just freaking out and I wasn't having any luck and I ended up. You know, it's the old adage when the students ready, the teacher will appear. The universe has a plan for us, of course.


And I ended up going to a lecture and there happened to be a medium there who was doing the lecture and I checked whether to see if she had any openings available. She lived about an hour away and she was fully booked for like a month and I said well, if you need to get any cancellations, please let me know. And she got a cancellation the next day. So I went up to see her and I sat down and she's like okay, so tell me what you can do. I'm like I don't know how to show you what I can do. I don't know, I have no control over this. It does its own thing. She's like well, bring one of my relatives through from the other side. I'm like I don't know how to do that. They just show up. So she's like well, close your eyes. She goes and just asks for somebody to come through. And I brought through all of her relatives from her mother's side, her father's side, back four generations.


It was just. Yes, exactly, and they're in the room. They are coming.


Then it gets better because the doorbell keeps ringing and she's like, oh, you're going to have to ignore that. She goes. There was an old woman that lived on the property and she doesn't want me living here and she's always harassing me and I banned her from the property. So now I'm like, oh, I can see her. She's standing on the edge of the property and she's banging on a pan saying it's her house. It's her house, you need to go.


Is she a spirit as well?


Yep, yep, I can see her standing there. So now, when I leave, I'm halfway down the highway. All of a sudden I look to my right. She's in my car. She's in my front seat of my car.


Oh my gosh, I screamed. She disappeared. All the papers that I had in my seat go flying. I had to pull off the highway to recover. I'm like, oh my God, wow, oh my gosh. I spent a year and a half in training on how to turn it, on how to turn it off, who I'm talking to on the other side, how to protect myself, and then they took my education from there, from the other side, and have taught me everything else that I know.


Wow. This is so amazing. Yeah, I mean, granted, I'm sure like everybody wants to ask something of you, right, Like people who know you, they want to be like can you this or can you, you know?


it's such an amazing thing.


For that I want to ask you. You've come out with a new book.




Yes, and I want to know what inspired you to write this book and what do you hope to accomplish by the readers reading it.


So it's interesting. It's you know they put you on the path that you're supposed to be on, and when you're listening to your soul and you're following that, you never know where it's going to bring you. So about seven years ago, I started a Facebook group for advice. No one was interested. I changed it to relationship advice and it blew up. So there was, like you know, I had. I had literally probably 15,000 people in the group before Facebook started cutting people back. Wow.


And then I heard that I needed to film relationship videos. I'm like relationship videos. I'm like okay. So I sat down and I wrote out everything for 10 different relationship videos, for blended families, divorce, retirement, all kinds of different things and I literally hired a production crew and I filmed all these videos and now I'm like what am I supposed to do with them? Now I don't have a clue. Do I put them on my website? Do I sell them on Facebook? Nothing.


I'm like, okay, whatever, sat on them for a year. And then I heard you need to do a program so that people can understand how to connect with their soul and change their energy and everybody wanted. You know, everybody's asking about relationships, so it was based on relationships. So I created the relationship mastery program and all of these videos that I made just fit right into my program.


Basically, they were waiting for this program to be put in. You didn't know it, but they were. They were a whole, they knew.


They knew on the other side, what the plan was I had no idea.


I just keep doing what they tell me to do. Okay, so I put the relationship mastery program together. The results are incredible. I work with one person in a relationship and teach them how to change their energy, how to get in touch with their soul and how to see life from a higher perspective. And the result of that is because we're magnets and we're always attracting or repelling. At any given time, all the people in your life are on that same energetic frequency that you're on. It's like a radio station. You can't get the radio station in if you're not on the right frequency. Right, right, it's the same thing. So when you're living with someone, what happens is your energy builds up, the magnet flips and instead of you attracting, you're repelling. So the only way to stop this is to learn how to balance your energy, and that's what I teach people how to do. So the highs aren't so high, the lows aren't so low, but you can maintain the law of attraction in your life for everything, and your life changes amazingly.


And the results of my program are incredible working with one person, because for every action there's an equal or greater reaction, and when you change, everything around you changes, and I don't let anybody make a decision as to whether or not they belong in that relationship, because when you make decisions from your head, you're doing it with your brain. Your brain has a specific job it's to protect you. How does it do that? It creates fear. So people are making their decisions based on fear, and when you do that, it's a 50-50 crapshoot. Sometimes it's right, sometimes it's wrong, but you're always questioning yourself. So I don't allow them to make the decision as to whether or not they belong in the relationship until they've been able to get in touch with their soul and that's the knowing and then they'll know whether or not they're supposed to be there or not?


And I mean I had some people that were in some pretty abusive relationships that anybody would have said why are you there? I said nothing and after they got in touch with their soul they realized they really did belong there and the other person in the relationship changed 180 degrees and it became an amazing relationship. It's just incredible how it worked and hundreds and hundreds of people went through the program. So as a result of the program I learned that everyone going through that program has the same five soul lessons. They have to learn every one of them and that is the How's that say tell us, tell us June.


Well, that's what the book is all about Alls Fair and Love and Karma. So we have three different types of relationships. First of all, we have a karmic relationship. And a karmic relationship you'll know you're in one because it never really feels quite right. You're always looking for the red flags and you feel like you know you're waiting for that other shoe to draw.


Oh, so you're not settled into it.


There's an unsettlement Right, and it's specifically there for you to teach them something or they to teach you one of your lessons. And as soon as one or the other learned the lesson, the relationship ends immediately. It's like you wake up one morning and say why do I have this person in my life any longer? And if you've both learned the lesson, it ends amicably. If only one or the other has learned the lesson, it will end, but it won't be amicable. Then you have the soulmate relationship and that automatically feels really good, like an old shoe, like you've known this person for a long time. And again, it's to teach someone or to learn something.


But once one or the other has learned the lesson, a soulmate relationship doesn't necessarily have to end. It really depends on what you put into your life plan. You can continue to learn the rest of your lessons with that person if that's what you wrote into your life plan, but it feels completely different than a karmic relationship. And then you have the twin flame, which is extremely rare. There's way too much misinformation around the internet about twin flames. Everyone does not have one. They are not.


Yeah, you know there has been a huge mess about this, for sure, yeah.


And they are not the nice romantic relationship like the notebook. That's not what it is.


Oh, tell us, what is it.


No, it's literally one soul that splits into two bodies before you reincarnate back here in the world, and you will always reincarnate into separate bodies at that point, but you are one half of the same soul. So when you meet each other, the connection that you have is just off the rails. It is extremely sexual, extremely passionate, extremely psychic and extremely short-lived. It lasts literally from a few weeks to a few months and it's over. And when it's over, you both go your separate ways, with no contact.


For the most part it's like being ghosted, and what happens is it throws your life into complete turmoil. Everything in your life ends and changes and it puts you on the path in life that you're supposed to be on. And if you both learn the five lessons you're supposed to learn and get on the higher path that you're supposed to be on because twin flames are supposed to be doing something to help humanity then you'll have an opportunity to reconnect in this world. Otherwise, you'll reconnect in the other world, and that's the case for most twin flames, because they can't both learn the lessons and get on the path that they're supposed to be on. There are very few of them in the world at any given time and it's so intense that you're not going to want to be with anybody else the rest of your life because you're going to feel like you're settling. No one else is going to measure up to that person.


Yeah it's very heart-wrenching and you'll always keep that psychic connection. So they could be going through a death and turmoil and you're feeling it and you have no idea why you're feeling it. You still have that connection. Yeah, it's not the easiest thing to go through in the world. It's very challenging, so it's not something I would really wish on a lot of people.


No, not at all right, For sure.


So, then, the five lessons that you are here to learn. The first one is self-worth, and that's not value, because that's what other people place on you. Self-worth is the understanding that you are so important that you are the only one of you in this entire universe. How special is that. I love it.


You're needed for something, okay, and it's also understanding that, although society would like you to think so, it is not narcissistic or selfish to put yourself first. It's where everything else comes from. If you can't put yourself first, you're not going to be here to take care of anybody else, are you?


I know that's right.


Yeah, and no one else has power of you. You know, right now, everything's oh, you hurt his feelings. No, no one's responsible for your feelings, but you.


I don't have that kind of power. If I had that kind of power, I could make you fall in love with me. Right, I could make you. You know anything? No one has that kind of power over you. You are responsible for how you feel and you are responsible for your own happiness. No one else can make you happy either. You know, I hear all these people with oh, when you know, when I meet the right person, I'll be happy, when I get the right job, I'll be happy. No, you have to be happy, then you'll attract all the rest.


Yes, dude, give it to us. Yes, yes, I love it.


Then you have trust in communication. You have to trust, first of all, that there is a higher power and the 1764, you know recognize religions, just in the United States. They're all right and they're all wrong. When you get there, there is only one and you can call it whatever you want. You can call it God, jehovah, buddha, you know, source energy, whatever you want. There is only one, that's it.


And you have to trust that and you have to trust that you made the plan. And if you don't like what's happening in your life, well then you've got no one to blame but yourself, because you planned it. And if you look at the breadcrumbs of your life, 2020 vision is great. Right To look behind you and see how everything in your life has been connected to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing and brought you to where you are right now, because you're always exactly where you're supposed to be and a lot of the things that happen in your life. As you're going through them, you're thinking, oh, it's so terrible, why is this happening to me? But in hindsight, you can look and see wow, thank God that happened, because it wouldn't have brought me to where I am right.


Or I wouldn't have met this person that's brought this.




Yeah, there is some type of connection. I wanted to pause one second and ask you what do you call it?


What do I call what?


You mentioned that. You know people are calling it Jehovah. They're saying the energy, what?


do you say I call it source energy or God?


Source energy or God. Okay, good, I just wanted to stop and ask that Please continue Trust and communication. We have Trust and communication, yep, so you?


have to trust so, and you also have to trust that anything that's happening in your life is not happening to you, but it's happening for you, because the goal here is never to hurt you. The goal is always for your highest and best, and when you are stubborn and can't stay on your plan, the universe will give you a little nudge and you may not like nudge, but it's going to do it anyways.


And you have to be able to communicate your wants and your needs to the people in your life, no matter who that is friends, family, employee, employer they don't know by osmosis what you want or you need. You have to be able to communicate that. And then sex is just another form of communication. If you can't trust and communicate outside the bedroom, you're not going to be able to trust and communicate inside the bedroom.


Amen on that it's true.


And then you have unconditional love. Well, each of these lessons is going to reinforce the next lesson. So unconditional love is not playing the modern and saying, oh, I have to stay in this abusive relationship because I'm supposed to be practicing unconditional love. No, that's what self-worth kicks back in again. Unconditional love is saying, listen, I care about you. We had a great run. It's not working. Neither one of us are having joy any longer.


It's time to go. We should just let it go exactly.


And truly wanting the best for them and you. It's not waiting till the weekend and bad-mouthing into all your friends and things. It's truly wanting the best for both. That's unconditional love. Suppose you had a child that you love unconditionally and they do something horrific like murdering a neighbor in a fit of rage and they go to prison for the rest of their life. You don't like what the child did, but hopefully you still love your child right.




And if you're still stubborn and can't understand unconditional love because I hear people tell me oh, this condition's there, you were in a relationship or it's your child Well, the universe will take it one step further, because you need to learn unconditional love. Maybe they'll have a drunk driver. Take your child and your child had written that in a plan before they came here, so they knew they were going back to the other side a little earlier and, trust me, they were in a better place and the driver has his own lessons that he has to learn. So are you going to let it destroy your life? Are you gonna hate and let that destroy your life instead of being appreciative that you had your child for the time that you did? They're a gift from God. They can take them back anytime.


So the next lesson you have is money and balance. Money is energy. This is why it's called currency and it's what we use in this 3D world to show whether or not your life is in balance. Everything in the universe has to stay in balance. This is why you have good and evil, night and day, left and right, and everything also has to be an equal exchange of energy. So you don't walk into the grocery store yet and pay a million dollars for a gallon of milk, right, because that's not an even exchange of energy. And then if you're working 80 hours a week and you're just saving your money, then the rest of your life is out of balance as well, right?


You have no time for your friends, your family, your own hobbies, and then you're just saving your money. So again, you don't have enough self-worth to spend the fruits of your labor on yourself. So it keeps reinforcing the other lessons. And then people, because money is energy, you have to understand that it has to flow. The more you put out there, the more it's gonna come back to you. It's how it works. You know, it's the old, you know people say oh, if you donate to charity, you'll get it back three times over. You will. This is how. And if you hoard it you're gonna end up with nothing. Because money can't buy happiness, can it.


I know it sure can't.


What you put out comes back to you, and this is how it works. You're not meant to live in lack ever, and when you understand how the universe works and how energy works, everything you ask for can be yours in this world, because they want you to have everything that you want. You're here for that reason. You're not here to live in lack. And even a beggar on the street. He chose to have that experience for whatever reason in this lifetime. If he wants a warm bed and a meal, all he's gotta do is ask and it would be provided for him, and he just has to go there. It's that simple. No one will be left in lack. And then the last lesson we all have to learn, which is very difficult for a lot of people, is patience, because everything will come to you at the perfect time, at the time that it's supposed to.


Yeah, not when we want it.


We live in a world of instant gratification. Everybody wants everything now, and it just doesn't work that way. How stupid would it be if every little girl that wants to get married and have babies, the stalk starts delivering them at the front door. Right it comes when it's supposed to come.


And if you're sitting there going, oh, I'm 35, my biological box tick and I don't have any kids. I'm not married. Well, it's because you didn't plan it yet that way in this life, for whatever reason. Maybe you wanted a different experience and it still doesn't mean it won't ever happen. Maybe when you're 50, you're gonna marry a widow and raise his kids. You don't know. You have to trust that you made the plan. This is how each lesson keeps going back and forth and reinforcing the other lesson. And when you can do that and wake up every morning and be excited about what the universe is bringing you today and what did I plan for the day, you'll be excited. If you knew everything that was gonna happen in your life every day, it wouldn't get out of bed. It's that simple.


True, true, wow, love it. Ooh, this is a nice little list too. Thank you for the breakdown of that so exciting. Yes, all's fair in love and karma. Lovely, lovely, and we'll make sure that we be posting all of that so people can get access to your book. Yes, congratulations, congratulations. Yes, I wanted to change a little bit and ask you how do you protect yourself energetically when you're conducting readings and things?


Is there something that you do for yourself, in a sense of and I think meditation and protecting yourself is so important that I put the proper directions in every one of my books, because most people do not meditate properly and they don't protect themselves. And it's very dangerous because when you open yourself up to the other side, you're opening yourself up to good and evil, and what's going on in the world right now is a war of good and evil. It just happens to play out in politics.


It plays out in politics. That's it. Just like money shows you if, whether or not you're in balance in this lifetime, the evil is playing out in politics and it's always been the case that both good and evil want your soul. God wants your soul, the devil wants your soul. That's what it's all about, and the more pure of heart you are, the more of a target you are. I guess they get more points for that on the other side.


But I've even had students that have not followed the proper directions to meditate and have not protected themselves and have gotten full on demonic possessions.


Oh snap.


So it is that important. It is that important.


And this is just from an average Joe who's saying hey, I'm gonna meditate for five or 10 minutes.


That's right absolutely.


You put yourself up. So what people don't understand. I can see energy, so I can see everything that's happening and, yes, I see full-figured apparitions all over the place. It's like an episode of the Walking Dead, but they congregate in different areas as well. So, for instance, if you were in a bar or a restaurant, they wanna go where they had fun when they were alive listen to music, have food, drinks, all those types of things. But the end game is they want your body because they don't have a body. So if you, I tell everyone, wear some type of religious metal, something that they across, something that's visual to them, cause they're visual and if they see that, they know you're gonna give them a little bit more of a fight. They'll go on to the next person. And alcohol used to be called spirits for a reason it lowers your vibration and allows the spirit to attach to you. So when I see an attachment on someone, it literally looks like they're giving a piggyback ride to a dock figure.


Oh snap.


Yeah, and you end up taking them home and then you've got them in your house and then they hang on you and you'll hear voices and, yeah, it's demonic activity. It's not angels talking to you at that point, because you wanna get inside of your body, basically Push yourself to the side and take you over. Yeah, it's very scary, but it's real.


Oh yeah, I believe it, I believe it.


And they'll walk in off the street. I mean the ghosts that are stuck here. The people that have not gone into the light cannot move any faster than you and I. They have low vibration. They can't travel at the speed of light. Once they've gone into the light they can come back and do that and that's not a problem. Those people aren't bothering you and hanging around you to be of danger. But the lower vibrational ghosts that are stuck here, they're all over the place and they'll walk into your house. They'll follow you know. If they wanna go somewhere, they'll get into your car to stop light and take a ride to the next one and to get out there so that they can go to the next place.


Why are they stuck here? Do you know?


Everybody. They're all stuck here for different reasons. I've moved a lot of young children that were stuck here into the light because they've died and not really realized they were dead and they're still looking for their mommy.


Oh, wow.


It's very sad. Yeah, other people, you know, they've died of drug overdoses or alcoholism and they were afraid that they let their mom down or their dad down and they were afraid to go into the light and have to face them. Or they've done you know, or they've learned through their religion that they're gonna be judged on the other side and maybe go to hell and they're afraid of that. So they don't wanna go into the light. There's a lot of different reasons. I have found a few people here that souls here that don't wanna go into the light because they still are enjoying their time here and they just don't wanna go. Oh, wow, okay, yeah, I owned a restaurant.


I owned a sports bar once that was haunted by a cook that had cooked there 50 years earlier, when it was a restaurant then, and he had some mental illness and he died apparently he was drinking and fell and hit his head on the curb and died. But he was haunting the place and you know the bartenders would see him walk in, go into the other room and there's nobody there and there's no way out.


Oh wow, he was kinda freaking people out a little bit and I would you know, I'd come in in the morning and all the lights in the whole place were on. The whole kitchen, everything's on, the fans are on and of course I'm telling the cooks listen, you guys need to shut this place down when you're leaving it. And they're like honest, we did. We shut it off every night, I swear. So I got on the cameras and started watching one night. Sure enough, they were out the door by 1.30, and within 15 minutes every light in the place went back on and the fans went on.


I'm like what the heck? Oh my gosh.


So I went in and called the ghost out and I said listen. I said you can't do this. I said you know this is costing me an arm and a leg on the electric bill. I said you need to go into the light. I said you don't belong here. He's like well, I don't wanna go. He goes. I like this. He goes. I'm so happy that you made it into a restaurant again. He goes. You know, this was like the best time of my life. He goes. I wanna stay. I'm like okay. I said if you're gonna stay, I'll let you stay, but you can only turn lights on if there's a problem. If you see a problem, you can warn me. Otherwise you need to keep you cool. Don't let people see you, I said because you're scaring them, don't be turning my lights on all night.


I'm like wasting up my bill right, which is exactly Exactly. And then, so he did.


Yeah, there were two times that I came in and my lights were on, and both times there were refrigeration issues. One of them, the guys had left unplugged during the night and the other one had quit. So yeah, oh my gosh, it worked out. Okay, I let him stay.


No, that's funny. Let me ask you are there any ethical considerations of boundaries you adhere to in your practice as a psychic?


Ethical or ethnical.


So ethical, sorry, ethical yes, excuse me.


Yeah, I mean honestly. So, first of all, I can't tell you something you're not supposed to know, okay, and no one's 100% right, because I can only give you what I get. That's the second thing. So If someone tells me they don't want information, just like you know, when I was, I hadn't even been trained yet when my abilities opened up that first day and that woman's husband came in but I knew to ask her if she would want information and she said no. So I respected that. You know you have like the Long Island medium. She walks into a grocery store. She's giving people messages. That's a movie, that's a show. People, ethical people don't do that you. You could change someone's life entirely by giving them information that they don't want or don't need. So you don't do that, unless someone literally is asking you for information. Okay.


Yeah, and I you know I Probably would not tell someone if I if it looked like they were probably going to die shortly, but I would probably tell them that they may have some health issues. That should, they should probably go to a doctor and get checked out.


Okay. Have you ever seen something for yourself? Oh?


I see lots of stuff on myself, but again, they're only gonna show me what I'm supposed to know. Yeah, I know lots of things that are gonna be happening and I'm very excited about certain things that I know are gonna be happening. I don't know necessarily the details of how or when, but I know it's going to happen. And everything that I've asked for, you know they've done, they've given me, and this is how it works. When you understand how the universe works, you know it's crazy.


So when COVID hit, I Was driving a car that was about five years old and I love it. It was a BMW diesel and I'm like well, you know, this is 2019, I was a 2015. It's time to buy a new car and upgrade my car. So I wanted another one. Well, I start looking and they don't make them any longer. The last year they made them was 2018.


So I'm like well, I guess I'm gonna have to get a used one. And I'm looking around, looking around, and they want $40,000 for one with 30,000 miles. And then they're the ugliest colors in the world, black on black, not what I wanted. So I put it up to the angels. I said listen, I said I would love to get another one, like I had before, which was midnight blue, metallic and saddle Brown interior. I had leased it before with the business, so within like two hours I get an email from dealership in Rock Rockville, maryland, and they had a brand new 2018 on the showroom floor no miles, full warranty, the same price as the used one with 30,000 miles on it. I'm like and guess what color it was.


No way night blue, metallic with the saddle blue saddle interior.


You ask for what you want.


Yes, really this is supposed to be my car, right.


Now, did they call you randomly. How did they call you? How did they get your number?


I have no idea. Just came in my email. I have no idea. Oh, wow.


No idea, no idea. And so I applied for it, right? Well, I had a bankruptcy because I just lost everything in my divorce and I was denied the loan. So I put it back to the angels. I said, clearly, this is supposed to be my car. It's everything I've asked you for. Now You're gonna have to figure out how I'm gonna pay for it, because I don't have the money and I can't get the loan. So that week I put enough people in my program that paid me cash that I bought the car cash and had it delivered. Wow, yeah, but you can't make this stuff up. I love it.


I love it students could tell you. They're on video on my website. Listen to some of these stories. It's just ridiculous.


Wow we learned how to get how to balance your energy and how to how to Raise your vibration and how the universe works and how angels. You know angels are a completely separate race. They were never human. Their entire existence is to help us, but there are rules on the other side is the same as there are rules here, and everyone has to have purpose, because if you don't have purpose, you have no. You know, you'd be bored to death right? Everybody has to feel, have a purpose, to feel good. So you have to ask them and when you ask them, they will come through with anything you want.


Any time my faith is faltering. They've done it three times. Now Please don't do it anymore. Three times they've done it to me. I have the most beautiful diamond earrings that my ex-husband had bought me and I would never be able to replace them because their ring quality and they're absolutely gorgeous. And Three times I have lost an earring and I've lost it to the point where I don't know if it's in the gym, the golf course, the grocery store. I'm looking through the grocery store. I'm on my hand.


Oh my gosh, are you serious? Three different times girl, you got to stop wearing those earrings. That's what they say.


That's the thing. I never take them out and I just had new screwbacks put on it and still I lost it right. So I sit and I ask st Anthony, you know, and I tell him the same thing every time. I understand if someone needs it and they need it for a ring, for an engagement or something. I fully understand that and it's not going to make any difference in my life either way. It just brings me a lot of joy and it's a wonderful memory for me. So if there's any way you can bring it back, and sure enough, as soon as I ask st Anthony, it shows up within hours. Within hours, it's just. Is it in the house.


Where are you finding it each time, since we've had three misses?


The first time I was staying in an Airbnb, went through the whole thing, couldn't find it, thought I lost it on the golf course. The next morning I get up, go to the bathroom and I look down and it's but up against the bottom of the toilet. Oh my gosh. The second time. Where was it? The second time? I Don't remember the second time. The last time, though, was the third time. I'm getting dressed. I went through my whole house hand and knees couldn't find it, and I, all of a sudden, I'm getting dressed and I, the light just hit it the right way and I see this little linter of you know sparkle on the floor and the rug, and I pick and there it is. It's right on the rug. Hmm.


Yeah, life me, I don't remember where. The second time where it went.


Wow, oh my gosh every time I ask, you know, every time I ask he, he shows up immediately if I'm missing something. I was looking through my house for my nail drill for my dog to do his nails, and I was a cosmetologist, so I had had it and brought it with me when I moved. And I went through my whole house, everything, the garage, everything. I and I don't know why I didn't ask them first. I was going crazy. Finally, I sat down on the couch and I asked him and then within seconds it popped into my head. I went and I looked in a certain place and there it was. I'd already looked, I looked before. It wasn't there.




Wasn't seeing it.


Wow, wow, so amazing, so awesome.


Yeah so exciting even the little things you know it's like even finding a parking place. I always get a parking place right in front every single solitary time. It's Christmas time. We're going to this busy place. They're like well, june, I don't think it's gonna work this time. You're not getting a cut, you're not getting your pockets, but in the front I think we're gonna have to go around the back of the building. I said just stop for a second and wait a second, and within less than 10 seconds, a car right in front backed out.


You like. There it is told, y'all's waiting for me Exactly so funny I love that, I love it. Well, when you know what you're doing and know how to do it yeah, and it's for everyone, like you say Then you are able to really use the energy and use the will for you know to in your, in your way.


You know we have choice. Do you want to live in this low vibration drama? Is that what you want to do, because basically you're playing a role in a movie here, or do you want to? I'll look at it from a higher perspective and understand this is just a role in a movie and this is just a play, and stop putting so much importance on the things that are not important, and everything in your life will change when you change your perspective and you change I love that.


Yes, you, you hit the nail on the head definitely. Wow, so good. I wanted to quickly ask you have you ever experienced skepticism or Disbelief?


all the time, all the time.


How do you address it? What do you?


You know, I did a podcast last night of someone who was running a Catholic show and was telling me what I do was demonic and blah, blah, blah.


On the show belief is.


Your belief system is based on what you've been taught or what you experience. Okay, it's just like atheists. I never met an atheist on their deathbed, because the closer you get, the more fear you have and the more you want to know. Right, yeah, I mean it's the same thing when I died. I mean I can't deny it. I can't deny what happened. The first time, an First time an angel came through to me was it was a choir angel. I was on my knees on the floor and tears. It was just incredible. So if you pay attention, there are miracles that happen around you, every single day yeah, the people.


People are oblivious to everything. They've got blinders on, they got their head in the phone. There are miracles happening all the time around you and nothing happens by accident, and if you ask to see the miracle, they will show you the miracle all the time it's. We live in an amazing world and you have to really start paying attention to what's happening around you, and my job is not to try to change anyone's opinion. You can believe me. You don't have to believe me. It's not gonna make any difference to me. I'm just here to help you, to tell you what I know, give you the knowledge that I have, and you can do without what you'd like.




It's that simple I'm. I'm always happy to help someone else, and if it improves their life and helps them have a better life and an easier life, we're here to help each other. I love people forget that as well. And Again, anyone that's listening to the podcast, anyone it's listening. There's something in here that you're supposed to be hearing, because nothing happens by accident.


Yes, I love it. Yes, dude, whoo, so fantastic, so great so and so exciting, so exciting. I want to ask you do you have any final thoughts for our listeners?


Yes, open your minds, Learn how to meditate. Go to my website, june Edward calm, it doesn't cost you anything. You can watch the videos from the students there, you can sign up for a free webinar, learn a little bit more about how energy works and then, if you want, you can buy a copy of the book. You can learn how to meditate and tap into your own psychic abilities. And you're on your mediumship abilities. My first book, a night on the other side, is everything that I used to teach in mediumship and psychic development All fair and love and Comer. My latest bestseller will teach you why you're in the relationships that you're in and why you keep doing the same things in your life. And again, there are meditation directions in all of my books. I feel that it's that important. And then, if you really want more information, you want a reading, you want to know what's coming up in your own life, things like that. You're more than welcome to book an appointment with me as well off my website, june Edward calm.


Excellent, so they can do an online reading. Exactly excellent, so great. All over the world. Where you can, you can be reached. We love that. We love that, and Can you tell everyone, if they're interested to find out what is your web address?


We're gonna type it in, but just give my name June Edward calm very easily.


June Edward calm excellent, excellent and, of course, all of this information will be linked underneath with all of your book information so that they'll be able to access it easily to get in. Thank you so much, june, for being a guest here on glass half full. I really, really appreciate you having some time out on this awesome sunny day in Florida.


And I have to laugh at your title of your show because one of my favorite lines the glass isn't half full or half empty, it's refillable.


Oh, and you know I was get you beat me to it, I was gonna ask you. I have one more question for you, and that is is your glass half empty or half full? So you've got, so yours is the, it's refillable.


Refillable. Absolutely enjoy it, refill it, do it again.


I love it. I love it, I love it. Thank you so much for your time and your energy today and just your words of wisdom for us to just realize that there is more and that there is higher for us to reach higher, and that we have available power to us and available energy to us for every person. There is no one who is any less special than anyone else, and so thank you for sharing that, as well as your information, your tools that you have left for all of us to be able to have a chance to dig deeper for ourselves. So, thank you and thank you for your time today. Yes, thank you. Thank you, we'll talk to you real soon.


All right, have a great day.


Thank you, you too. Hello, listeners of glass half full, thank you for tuning in to another inspiring episode of our podcast. I'm your host, chris Levens, and I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of our supportive community. Remember, glass half full is not just a podcast. It's a safe platform for everyone to share their life experiences. Your stories and voices matter, and we appreciate you being here with us. If you enjoyed today's episode and want to stay updated with our future content, please subscribe, follow and rate our podcast on Apple music, spotify and YouTube. Your support means the world to us and it helps us reach even more listeners who can benefit from these valuable life experiences. As we wrap up this episode, always keep in mind you are blessed, no matter the challenges you face. There's a reservoir strength within you. Until next time, stay positive and remember the glass is always half full, see ya.